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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

Apple Tree Class – Nursery and Reception

At St Peter’s we are passionate about our Early Years children developing a love of learning. We strive to see every child develop into a confident and independent learner. We want children to develop into loving and compassionate people and we endeavour to see every child build healthy relationships with those around them. We want our Early Years children to be curious about the world around them, to care for the environment and believe they can make a positive change. We want our Early Years children to love books and reading. Our children leave the Early Years with the skills to continue to flourish in the next stage of their learning journey.

EYFS curriculum Statement

A big, warm welcome to Apple Tree Class of 2021-2022! 

Our topic for Term 6 is 

Under the Sea 

Take a look at the topic letter and suggested home learning below…

We're really enjoying our Under the Sea topic!

Our topic for Term 5 is 

Once Upon a Time 

Take a look at the topic letter below! For the home learning this term we are encouraging your child to complete a book review of their favourite book (paper copies available in Apple Tree!) 

We’ve had such a lot of fun throughout our Once Upon a Time topic!

Our topic for Term 4 is...

Old MacDonald had a Farm

Click below to the the topic letter and some suggested home learning. Watch this space for photos from the topic...

We have had so many fantastic learning experiences during our Old MacDonald topic!!

Happy New Year! Our first topic of 2022 is called...


Check out the topic letter and suggested home learning below...

We had a fantastic time during our Explorers topic...

Welcome to our Wonderful Winter topic! All the details and photos are below...

Our Milestone Moment this topic was a visit from the fire service. It was a FANTASTIC visit and everyone really enjoyed it. It was linked with our school value Aspiration and did inspire the children, especially as Firefighter Kieron used to be a pupil here at St Peter’s!
