St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington
Late / Absence Procedures
If you arrive at school after 8:40am, please take your child into school via the office, where you will need to sign them in by filling in the late book.
Student Absence Procedure
If your child is too ill to come to school, please let us know as soon as possible. You can either phone the school office on 01865 880443 and leave a message with the nature of absence, or email us on
You can also let us know using the absence function on ParentMail.
On the 1st Day of absence: Parents notify school if their child is absent before 9am. If no contact is made by the parent/carer school will telephone home.
2nd Day: If the child is still absent and no contact has been made by the parent/carer, school will again telephone home.
3rd Day: If the child is still absent and no contact has been made by the parent/carer, school will visit the home.
Term-time absences
Application for term-time leave of absence must be made in advance by the parent with whom the child normally resides on the form headed ‘Application for leave of absence during term time’. These may be obtained from the school office.