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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

Oak Class - Years 1 & 2

Welcome to Oak Class!


Years 1 and 2

It's Term 6 already!


In Oak class we are well into the swing now of the final term of the year! It is going to be a busy term with lots of fun things happening along the way. We will try to post photos as we go along to tell the story of the term through the eyes of Oak class.


As always, do let us know if there is anything that we can help with.

Mrs Franklin and Mrs Carter


Today, children completed a reasoning task in Maths. They had to follow the clues in order to put the digit cards into the correct position on the grid. The children did some great reasoning as to why certain digits would or would not fit in particular locations. It was great to see lots of good mathematical reasoning going on!

Sheet for recording the height that the cress grows - needs to be completed each day and returned to school on Thursday 8th July.

Last Friday afternoon, Oak class had fun doing their sports afternoon activities!

Instruction writing - How to make a healthy picnic.

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lighthouse.

Computing Day - We have had great fun today investigating and learning how to program our robot cars ready for a deep sea mission!

Thursday was Science Day! Oak class had great fun doing all of the experiments. Lots of questions were generated and theories tested out as the children made magnet mazes, bubble wands and rocket mice!

Science Day Videos

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Here are some of Oak class testing out their rocket mice!


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Still image for this video

Details of the Topic unit for term 6. The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.

Details of the Science unit for Term 6

Details of the R.E unit for term 6


  Welcome to Term 5 Oak Class! 

 We hope you all enjoyed a well deserved rest over the Easter holiday.

 The children have all settled back in really well and are all so keen to get stuck in to our  new topic!

 Mary Anning, Dinosaurs and Fossils; check the topic web for more information.

 As always, please check the topic web and this page for any updates at the beginning of term. 

 There are also photos and updates put on this page during each term to give you a glimpse of what your children are doing at school.

 If you have anything you would like to discuss with either of us, please do get in touch. 


Best wishes 

Mrs Carter and Mrs Franklin

We have gathered together a few resources which we thought you might find helpful when supporting your children's learning in Maths, Spelling, Reading and Writing. Do take a look at the documents posted below.


In the pdf  'Ideas for how you can help your child with their learning in Maths' there are some links to various websites such as BBC Bitesize and White Rose Maths, which you may find useful. In that document we have also explained how you can make use of the March Problems of the Day resource. 


Previously, Mrs Bradley has given out reading comprehension bookmarks. These are a really great way of encouraging the development of some of the more complex reading comprehension skills. We have added a pdf copy of the bookmarks, incase you have mislaid yours!


The spelling lists are those words that children need to know how to spell and use in their written work in Years 1 and 2. 


We do hope you will find these resources useful.

April 2021 - Reading Bookmarks with some suggested questions which you could use with your child when listening to them read.

April 2021 - We thought it might be helpful for you to see the expectations for children's writing in Year 1 and Year 2.

April 2021 - Here are some resources which you might find useful to help your child with their spelling and phonics.

Details of the Science unit for this term (Term 5)

Details of the R.E unit for this term (Term 5)

Art work from our topic. Mary Anning, Dinosaurs and Fossils.

Term 4. Nurturing Nurses Topic. Oak class have been working really hard this week writing free verse poems. They have been really engaged with our topic and the subject matter. Here are a few of the poems.

Easter Pause Day

We have had a great day today spending some time thinking about the Easter story. We thought in particular about what the people who witnessed the events of the Easter story must have been thinking and feeling. We did lots of art and craft activities. Take a look at the 'Special Days' section of the website to see some pictures of the things that Oak were doing today.

Well done Oak Class for working hard today! Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Carter

Oak class have produced some wonderful art this term. Here are a few pieces of work from the last few weeks. The Jamaican sunset paintings were all so brilliant. A very talented class of artists!

We have had a great first week back in Oak class! Here are some pictures of the things we have been up to ... symmetry in Maths, using stick puppets to act out Little Red Riding Hood and acting out the story of Palm Sunday outside with our handmade palm leaves which easily blew away!

Details of the Science unit for Term 4 (Spring 2) - Grouping Animals

Details of the R.E unit for Term 4 (Spring 2)

Welcome back to Spring Term 1! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and feel rested and ready for the term ahead :o) Our topic this term is China and so in Literacy we will be following The Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson. It is a beautifully written Chinese tale. It is written in rhyme and supported by traditional style illustrations. Please find our KCV Topic Grid attached, which outlines what the children will be learning this term.

Using Google Classroom

Great Fire of London Dance Performance

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Our Great Fire of London Day!

Christmas Activities in Oak Class today! We have been busy having lots of fun!

We have had a great start to Autumn Term 2 and are beginning to get stuck in to our new topic - Antarctica! Please find attached our Topic Web for the term as well as our Topic KCV Grid - which outlines what we will be learning in Topic this term.

Last week we had fun using our scientific knowledge to build a house for one of the three little pigs. Would the houses be strong enough to withstand the Big Bad Wolf (AKA Mrs Carter's hairdryer!)?

Details of the Science unit for Autumn Term 1 2020

Details of the R.E unit for Autumn Term 1 2020

Amazing Art Work by the Year 1s in school

Details of the Science unit for Summer Term 2

Details of the R.E unit for Summer Term 2

This term's topic is CASTLES! Look here for a quick overview on what we'll be learning about in the coming weeks.

Topic Web for Summer Term 1

Details of the Science unit for this term (Summer Term 1)

Details of the R.E unit for this term (Summer Term 1)

Our Topic for the term - Amazing Africa!

Details of the Science unit for this term (Spring Term 2)

Details of the RE unit for this term (Spring Term 2)

Here are the main written calculation methods we use in Oak Class. The aim is that children should be fluent by the end of Year 2 but many Year 1s have started to use some of these methods already. Any questions please ask.

5 Keys to Happiness

A song by Oak Class - helping us learn to share more.

There are 5 keys to happiness

We need to share more, be selfish less

Give you a smile

Talk for a while

Ask you to play

I want to make your day

Share the time

Together we will shine

Come play with my toys

And we’ll share the joy

There are 5 keys to happiness

We need to share more, be selfish less         X2

Let’s share!!!!!

Science - Healthy Eating

In preparation for our Science lesson on healthy eating in week 5, please could the children complete a record of the food and drink that they have over the next week. All children were given a food journal sheet to bring home today, where they can fill in the things that they eat and drink each day. Children can keep their food journal at home next week, jotting down the items for each day. It would be a great help if children could bring their completed food journal back to school on Friday 31st January, so that it is ready to use in our Science lesson the following week. I will upload a pdf of the food journal sheet in case you need an extra copy!

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Carter




Food Journal Sheet for Oak Class to be returned Friday 31st January

Finding out about the food eaten at Rosh Hashanah in R.E

We have been learning about the Jewish new year festival of Rosh Hashanah. We produced a whole class information poster using some of the key words associated with Rosh Hashanah.

Details of the RE unit for this term (Spring Term 1)

Details of the Science unit for Spring Term 1

Topic Web for Spring Term 1

An overview of our topic for Spring Term 1 - Pirates!

Details of the RE topic for this term.

Details of the Science for this term.

A brief insight into our topic for this term.

Macarena Maths Timestables

Here is the song and video we dance to in Oak Class to learn our times tables! Who thought the Macarena would end up being used in Maths lessons?!! Macarena Maths gives the times tables that extra buzz! We have been doing super well in Oak learning them. Year 1s have started on the x2s while Year 2s are pretty confident at their x2s x5s and x10s. Let's keep it up this term! Enjoy!

Superb work in Maths today! Y2 were solving and creating their own length problems. Very impressed with their use of bar models!

More balancing in PE

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Oak class have been working to improve their own personal goals in PE. They have worked on their balancing skills and have tried to hold a strong balance with no wobbling for at least 10 seconds, up to 30 seconds. Oak class have beaten their own goals each week. Some went for a harder challenge of balancing with their eyes closed and even doing mini squats whilst still holding a controlled balance.


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Balancing in PE

Fairy Tales Wow Day! A busy day had by all! There was potion mixing, crown creating, wand making, gingerbread baking, super dancing and....a performance to top it all off! The children gave it there all. A magical was had all round! Thank you for all your support with the costumes and workshop.

In Science this week, we have been investigating puddles. We measured the size of puddles on the playground and drew around them so that we could look at how they changed during the day. We made predictions about how the puddles would change if the sun came out or if it started raining. It had been a dry morning so we had to create our own puddles! Despite the downpour at lunchtime we were surprised at how the puddles looked at the end of the day. Oak class came up with some good scientific explanations for how the puddles had changed.

Investigating how the puddles had changed on the playground.

We have been investigating how to measure the length of objects in our Maths lessons.

Oak Class have been working hard to complete their art work on fairytale baddies including The Big Bad Wolf! I wouldn’t like to meet these characters!

We have been working on planning and writing ‘beating the monster stories’, by looking at well known fairy tales.

Continuing our work on Materials in Science, we were investigating the concept of a material being waterproof.

Fairy Tale Art - this afternoon we have had a lovely calm art lesson completing the first stage of our newspaper wolves. So much concentration and attention to detail in the classroom. Impressive!

Parents Meeting Information - Wednesday 18th September 2019

What would be the best material for mending a torn umbrella?


As part of our Science lessons, we have been investigating different types of materials and their properties. We wanted to find out which materials would be the best for making (or mending) an umbrella. So, we carried out an investigation to find out which materials were the most waterproof. The children also commented that for an umbrella, the material would need to be strong and flexible.


Here we are testing one of the materials.

Will it be waterproof?

Will the teddy underneath the material stay dry or will it get wet?!

We have been learning about 3D shapes in Maths this week.

In maths this week we have been using our resources to help us add. Some of us have been using number lines and others have been breaking numbers down into tens and units. Some really impressive work Oak Class!

In R.E this week, Oak Class interviewed Mr Jeffries. In R.E we are thinking about leaders and who we should follow. The children wrote their own questions to find out what it is like to be the leader of St.Peter's school. Some of their questions were:

  • What do you do in your office?
  • What is the most fun part of being the Headteacher?
  • What does it feel like being the Headteacher?
  • What is your favourite thing to do?
  • What is it like to be in charge of all the children?
  • Why did you want to be the Headteacher of St.Peter's School?


Oak Class enjoyed asking Mr Jeffries their questions and loved hearing his answers. We think Mr Jeffries enjoyed the interrogation too!

You'll have to ask the children in Oak Class if you want to find out what Mr Jeffries' answers were!

We love using resources in our maths lessons. This week we have been working on our numbers 0-100. Ordering them, sequencing them and breaking them down into tens and units. Fabulous work for just the second week back.

Topic Web - Autumn Term 1

Discovering the likes and dislikes of Oak Class, what helps us to learn and how we were feeling in the first week back. Great to see that so many children are happy to learn from their mistakes. Just the sort of resilience we need for learning! No surprises that Forest School got lots of votes!
