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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

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St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington

Newsletters 2020/2021



Dear Parents/Carers,

Now that we are back in lockdown and closed for the majority of children, we will be communicating news of what is going on in school/children’s achievements and moments of light relief on our new blog: LOCKDOWN Won’t Keep Us Down ‘21.  This can be found at the top of the community section of the website.  We had lots of positive feedback (from extended families and grandparents for example) of how much everyone enjoyed seeing what was going on in school – it put many smiles on faces.  So, like last time, if your child has done anything that they are particularly proud of, please send it in to the office email address and we will add it to the blog.  I will be doing weekly assemblies and Rev Duncan Fraser and Mrs Carter will be doing collective worships which can be seen on the blog.

We have also set up a new class on Google Classroom ‘St Peter’s Whole School’ for children to respond and share ideas from the assemblies and collective worship.  Please remind your children that it is for this specific purpose and not for chat.

All of our efforts will now be going into the blog and the weekly newsletters will resume when school reopens.

Well done everyone for getting through the first week and take time to rest well at the weekend.


With warmest wishes,

Jon Jeffries
