St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington
Happy summer holidays everyone!
This will be the last post, as we look forward to us all being back together in September.
Thank you for all the amazing contributions over the last 4 months - visit the blog anytime to remember all we achieved during this time!
On behalf of all the staff, thank you to everyone for all your kind words of support, cards, emails, gifts and incredible energy on the last day of term. It is deeply appreciated by all.
The St Peter’s community is something very special to be a part of, and these difficult times have shown us how important we all are to each other.
Goodbye Year 6
We are proud of all you have achieved and know that you are going to go on and shine in this next exciting step of your life.
Thank you to all Year 6 parents who are leaving us. Your support of the school has been amazing and we will miss you.
Thank you from the SPSA
If you are new to the school, the SPSA (St Peter’s School Association) is our PTA.
I wanted to write a quick note to say thank you to all the staff and parents who have contributed to the SPSA activities this school year. The last events (February Disco and Christmas Fayre) are a distant memory now!
Our plans were cut short by the pandemic, postponing the return of the Comedy Night just before lockdown and the whole village was quiet on the evening of Bike Night – our biggest fundraiser of the year. However, the spending has also been paused with no school trips able to happen and the pool has fallen quiet this year.
We will resume physical activities as soon as we are allowed – keeping an eye on the guidelines to see if we are able to do anything in the Autumn term – but we are also looking into something virtual. We will also hold our AGM in October – more details on that at the beginning of next term.
We’d love to have new members on board too – if you are interested please email or speak to one of the team.
Have a great summer.
Garry Peasley
SPSA Chair
13/7/20 Thank you message from governors to St Peter's staff
Hi there,
I am a parent governor and link governor for Apple Tree.
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to Mr Jeffries and the whole school team for the fantastic effort and support they have given to the children (and parents) to make sure their education continued as much as possible.
Being a teacher, myself, I know how hard these past few months have been, both juggling my job but also homeschooling my boys. The staff have gone above and beyond in extremely difficult circumstances, not knowing what is around the corner, whilst also looking after/homeschooling their own children.
As a school, you should be very proud.
Have a well-deserved rest over the summer and I look forward to seeing you in September when, hopefully, we will back to some sort of normality.
Hannah Want
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Reciprocity Award: Poppy T Has shown great understanding in maths this week, has tried all the writing activities and has read back what she has written confidently |
Star Award: Tyler Has settled back into the class as if he had never been away! He has followed class expectations and has happily involved himself in the activities |
Star Award: Madison Has settled back into class really happily and is exploring and enjoying all the resources within our class |
Oak Reciprocity Award: Ciara For working really hard in Maths. Ciara did a brilliant job using specific mathematical vocabulary when learning about measuring lengths. Well done Ciara. |
Star Award: Flo For writing a brilliant poem in Literacy, really using her imagination well. Flo did a great final illustrated version of her poem. Well done Flo |
Star Award: Eliza For working extremely hard in Literacy, producing a fantastic poem. Eliza chose some really superb vocabulary. The quality of her final illustrated poem was just brilliant. |
Maple Reciprocity Award: Oliver R., Oliver P, Isla, Freddie P For working co-operatively and considerately under the change of circumstance. |
Star Award: Megan For taking the concept of fair testing to a potentially incredibly messy investigation with sprinkles! |
Star Award: Jack Taking on comments and suggestions and using them to improve his work |
Willow Reciprocity Award: Olivia Superb overall contribution to the year 6 play and giving up her own time in the process |
Star Award: Huxley Great work in maths and excellent contributions to class discussions |
Star Award: Riley A fantastic year book project |
Headteacher Bradley K and Tom M Incredible poems that your teachers said I simply must see! I enjoyed them very much - watching your minds run free!
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Reciprocity Award: Teddy M Always enthusiastic towards all of our art activities. He especially impressed us with his ‘I can write a story attitude’ that he chose to do completely independently. |
Star Award: Zoe Has impressed us with an amazing attitude and wonderful smile in how she interacts with everyone |
Star Award: Rose Wrote a really good book review of ‘Sharing a Shell’ independently. She also edited her capital letters and full stops. |
Oak Reciprocity Award: Oliver E For putting some excellent thought into his work. Oliver did some great work in Maths this week, drawing arrays on the computer and exploring all the different possibilities in multiplication number sentences. |
Star Award: Wolfie L For working extremely hard in all lessons, always giving of his very best and being willing to have a go at the challenge question. |
Star Award: Stella B For working really hard in Literacy lessons. Stella wrote a fabulous story this week making some excellent vocabulary choices. |
Maple Reciprocity Award: Leila Impressive writing – amazing structure and vocabulary that made a really polished piece. |
Star Award: Flora For mobile shadow art, you would be amazed at what effect a food whisk can achieve in shadow art. |
Star Award: Imogen For an ode that uses rhythm, rhyme and format to great effect |
Willow Reciprocity Award: Holly Fabulous contributions to the play script |
Star Award: Bea Superb effort and improvement in maths |
Star Award: Laura Fantastic lyrics for a song in the play |
Headteacher Charlie C Excellent effort in everything you do. Really impressed with your calm, methodical approach! |
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Reciprocity Award: Beau Beau is always keen to give his ideas during Tales Toolkit. We have made some brilliant stories this week! |
Star Award: Finley Finley wrote his own story by markmaking on his paper. He then retold his whole story which had a beginning, middle and end. Great work, Finley! |
Star Award: Alex Alex is becoming a great writer. He is writing his name independently and he has also impressed us with his maths! |
Oak Reciprocity Award: Lukas T For showing great levels of dedication and perseverance when completing his work. Lukas did a particularly good job of this in his Maths lessons this week. Well done Lukas! |
Star Award: Felix For producing a great piece of Literacy work this week, writing a fantastic opening to his story. Well done Felix for working hard on this task. |
Star Award: Frankie For working really hard during the Literacy Reading lesson this week. Well done Frankie for a brilliant amount of effort and for doing some great work. |
Maple Reciprocity Award: Bella Bella has used ideas from the assignments and expanded them when sharing in Google Meets. This included showing a fledgling woodpecker to the group in real time. |
Star Award: Jess Fantastic maths work. Having a go at challenges with great success! |
Star Award: Beau Great topic work using personal experience to add detail to factual information |
Willow Reciprocity Award: Hattie Great contributions to the year 6 script |
Star Award: Megan Massive effort levels in class! |
Star Award: Lola Magnificent improvement in maths! |
Headteacher Florence For such wonderful enthusiasm in wanting to get stuck into your work. Very impressive! |
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Reciprocity Award: Finley + Tomas The boys created a treasure map of the classroom together then added an X to mark the treasure and explained their ideas to Mrs Jennings and Mrs Edwards |
Star Award: Elijah Has taken a keen interest in looking at lots of books independently and having a go at telling the story without adult support |
Star Award: Ivy Has put amazing effort into her work and we love to see her amazing role plays, pictures and videos |
Oak Reciprocity Award: Tom M All of the work that Tom has produced has been of an excellent standard. He did a particularly good job in RE this week where he produced a Google Slides of the Jewish Shabbat. A great example of reciprocity - his sister taught him how to make a Google Slides, Tom then applied his new knowledge to show his own understanding! |
Star Award: Martha P For always completing her work so well, clearly putting a lot of effort into each task making her work the best that it can be. Martha’s writing in her literacy lessons this week has been really superb. |
Star Award: Freddie P For working really hard all week. He did particularly brilliantly with his Big Write thinking of some imaginative sentences to write and getting lots written down! He also did a great job with his science work this week. |
Maple Reciprocity Award: Oshi For using the skills he has picked up from others and applying them to his art work |
Star Award: George For showing resilience and having high expectations, particularly with his maths work |
Star Award: Mae For an amazingly descriptive piece of writing that added detail to text in a picture story |
Willow Reciprocity Award: Poppy Great contributions to the year 6 radio play |
Star Award: Ruby Superb contributions in RE, appreciating all viewpoints |
Star Award: Lola Fantastic effort all week and coming back with such beautiful handwriting! |
Headteacher Thomas A Truly inspirational Lego parables – I think you used all of the 4Rs here! Have a look on the blog to see what Thomas created |
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Reciprocity Award: Adusia Adusia is taking a keen interest in maths and has wanted to join in with the reception maths work to extend her learning – amazing! |
Star Award: Hania For finding a brilliant new confidence! Mrs Jennings and Mrs Edwards have really enjoyed talking with you! |
Star Award: Esmae Has settled back into Apple Tree class brilliantly – your happy smile is infectious! You have been so creative in the art area. |
Oak Reciprocity Award: Layla For working really well with others to set up and enjoy a fantastic obstacle course in Forest School. |
Star Award: Eliza For doing some lovely leaf rubbings when comparing the leaves of deciduous and evergreen trees. Eliza used her leaf rubbings to make some careful observations of the different leaves |
Star Award: Tobias For doing some fantastic Literacy work in the reading lesson this week. Tobias flew through the activity with confidence, giving inspiration to others! |
Maple Reciprocity Award: Frazer Working together really well on a science experiment whilst maintaining social distancing. |
Star Award: Elliot Takes time to read the instructions and follows ideas through with interesting results |
Star Award: Izzy Returning work regularly and independently - it's brilliant that you are using the 4Rs so well! |
Willow Reciprocity Award: Jack I Great contributions at the Google Meets and sharing ideas with others
Star Award: Harry Great maths project with innovative presentation
Star Award: Evie Superb amounts of effort in all she does – particularly a wonderful maths project |
Headteacher Islay J For being the teacher and doing a video for the blog to teach everybody how to do Inside Out’s FBW!
A huge well done to everybody this week!
Whether back in school or at home, we have got the term off to a great start and everybody has tried their best in doing what they need to do.
Have a brilliant weekend and rest well!
Best wishes,
Mr Jeffries
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Reciprocity Award: Kai For being so kind and caring towards your friends and help making the class so happy! |
Star Award: Poppy T For joining in with all the activities and the using the available resources to complete her work and extend her play |
Star Award: Julia Amazing maths work, writing numbers to 100, taking a photo and sending to us to see! |
Oak Reciprocity Award: Lexi P For persevering with some very tricky maths time problems. Well done for keeping going and being successful in the end! |
Star Award: Oliver E For doing some brilliant science work this week. Oliver made a lovely labelled picture of a flower and used some great scientific vocabulary when describing the purpose of different parts of the flower |
Star Award: Isla C For giving some really thoughtful and reflective answers in RE this week. Isla also thought of a really interesting 'I wonder' question linked to the RE learning that we have been doing recently. |
Maple Reciprocity Award: George George has worked really hard with the assignments and challenges he has been set |
Star Award: Oliver P Incredible effort with all his work but especially in the persuasive writing where he made a travel brochure to encourage people to visit Japan and his presentation about his musical theatre experiences |
Star Award: Charlie For impressing Mrs Glass hugely with your assignments this week! |
Willow Reciprocity Award: Rain Playing nicely whilst keeping everybody safe
Star Award: Cadi Thoroughly actioning the I can statements - brilliant effort
Star Award: Ruby Superb effort in class - well done for all your hard work |
Headteacher Teddy C Teddy did a brilliant job helping in class by reading the text to the other children when the internet decided not to work for a little while. It's great having you on the staff, Teddy!
Weekly Wellbeing Guide - Issue 10 from INSIDE OUT
Dear families,
The 10th edition of the Weekly Wellbeing Guide from INSIDE OUT is ready! This week, each activity has been chosen from their School Toolbox, which you can find here.
You can also visit their website and choose from 50 amazing activities to improve your child’s wellbeing, all based on their 5 Keys to Happiness.
Monday 8th June is World Ocean Day for Schools - get ready to bring the wonder of the ocean from the deep blue to wherever you are! Check out their website for super cool live workshops including Ocean TV, Micro Plastic Art and Inner Sea Yoga!
5/6/20 - A Collective Worship song for today - J-O-Y-F-U-L
Here is a link to the song J-O-Y-F-U-L that will be used for Collective Worship in school today. You could sing along at home too if you would like to!
Mrs Carter
Amelie has produced a fantastic watercolour and has clearly thought deeply. Look closely and look closer again – like any great piece of art the more you pause to consider it, the more you get out of it. What can you see? What does it mean to you?
As a school, through our vision and values, our aim is for the children of St Peter’s to grow up to be respectful of everyone. If each child, throughout their lives, can then plant a seed in someone else’s mind of what is respectful and what is right, then together, step by step, we can change the world.
Before the COVID19 outbreak we were in the middle of redesigning our curriculum to take our vision and values work further to look at equality issues to ensure the children have deep understanding of culture and diversity throughout the whole curriculum. As with the community voice for our vision and values/school charity evening last year, we had similar plans for this. As soon as we have capacity and can establish some sort of normality, we would love to get the community involved.
Thank you, Amelie for the picture; let us all pause and consider what it means to us.
4/6/20 - A Collective Worship song for today - Clap Hands! Stamp Feet!
Here is a song that is going to be used in Collective Worship today.
You could join in with it at home if you would like to.
Mrs Carter
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Resourceful Award: Alice For being so resourceful when designing your party dress. you decorated an old dress and added wings to it. This was such a creative idea, well done Alice. |
Star Award: Tomas T for making huge progress with writing your name so well. well done Tomas |
Star Award: Ray For learning your numbers so well. I especially enjoyed your game you used where you shot a water pistol at a number. |
Oak Resourceful Award:Hayden Hayden goes above and beyond what is expected and this week, in particular did a lovely video of her reading the fantasy story that she had written. |
Star Award: Sasha Sasha wrote the most fantastic fantasy story which was a real delight to read. As well as using her best imaginative ideas, Sasha wrote it in the most beautiful handwriting. Well done Sasha. |
Star Award: Frankie Frankie went above and beyond what was expected, doing some extra practice of telling the time on a clock. Well done Frankie for putting such a great effort into your Maths. |
Maple Resourceful Award: Lorelai For checking and finding out ideas or information and then resubmitting her improved work |
Star Award: Oliver R For an amazing promotional poster about Japan, using persuasive devices |
Star Award: Elliot For giving 100% to the assignments across the curriculum |
Willow Resourceful Award: Tara Wonderfully creative ways of tackling the learning objectives, including a virtual tour around Florence!
Star Award: Archie A quite magnificent piece of artwork, that took a great deal of time and effort to produce
Star Award: Laura A brilliant piece of topic work, superbly well researched
Headteacher Tommy A great idea to provide seeds so everyone can grow a pumpkin! What a fun idea!
22/5/20 - What are the good things that help us to be brave?
Did you watch the Assembly by the Bishop of Oxford? If not, then do take a look at the video on this blog. The Bishop asked a question: "What things help us to be brave and courageous?" What good things are there in your life that make you smile and that encourage you?
I've been feeding the birds in my garden recently. There is a little robin who comes everyday to the bird feeder. Whenever I see the robin in the garden it makes me smile. I thought I would share with you the little video I managed to capture of the robin on the feeder.
Would you like to share with us the things that have encouraged you and made you smile this week? We would love to see them!
Mrs Carter
22/5/20 - A Prayer for Today
Here is a prayer from the Oxford Diocese that you could use today if you would like to.
It is a prayer that reminds us that God is always looking after us.
Mrs Carter
It is important to have regular conversations about staying safe online and to encourage children to speak to you if they come across something worrying online.
These resources provide guidance for parents and carers to keep children safe online. They will, amongst other things, support you to talk to your child about a range of online safety issues, set up home filtering in a child-friendly way and set up age-appropriate parental controls on digital devices:
This Week's Awards
Look out for your well-done email!
Apple Tree Resourceful Award: Julia For finding interactive resources to support your learning. I especially like the way you are using our topic of Once upon a time to read stories to your brother Henry this is such a fantastic and resourceful way to involve him in this home learning experience. Well done Julia |
Star Award: Arthur For your fantastic effort in your Tales Toolkit stories. This is such a valuable tool to have learning how to tell stories. This will be extremely valuable next year. |
Star Award: Teddy P For the effort you put into your work on a daily basis. I especially loved the Baby Moses art work. |
Oak Resourceful Award: Tobias Tobias made a brilliant bug hotel in this week's Science lesson. He then did a video where he explained all the different things that he used for his bug hotel why he had chosen to use them and what he was hoping to attract to his bug hotel. He even described and showed the scarecrow that he had made to scare the birds away so that they don't eat the minibeasts! It was a really resourceful way of sharing your learning with us Tobias. Well done. |
Star Award: Stella Stella has done the most amazing pieces of writing this week. She did a superb non-chronological report about dragons having done a detailed plan. She also wrote the most brilliant descriptions of a dragon that she is going to use in her own fantasy story. Well done Stella for thinking of some fantastic vocabulary and for putting so much effort into your work! |
Star Award: Lukas For putting a huge amount of effort into his work this week. Lukas has written a brilliant non-chronological report about dragons. He has also worked really hard in Maths. Yesterday, Lukas produced the most fabulous video where he was teaching his younger brother the 4 seasons of the year. Lukas you did the most amazing job! Well done for all of your hard work. |
Maple Resourceful Award: Isla When you are asked to do a topic on your hobby and most of them are not happening at the moment, what do you do? Isla used what she had around her and produced a Lego topic slideshow. Definitely resourceful. |
Star Award: Leila A well presented and informative non-chronological report presentation on Japan, showing knowledge of subject and understanding of reader interest |
Star Award: Flora An unusual and fantastic way of explaining the life processes of plants, what the greenhouse plants know is quite incredible! |
Willow Resourceful Award: Ellie All-round brilliant effort in every subject area - incredible work this week!
Star Award: Megan Making a huge effort to action many I Can statements and ensure she refers back to the advice given.
Star Award: Freddie Consistently superb effort in all lessons, using a variety of on-line resources to support his learning. This includes novel ways of submitting work!
Headteacher Freddie P Great week! Amazing shield complete with Latin quote and also really great, thoughtful writing. Keep it up!
15/5/20 - A story with a moral linked to our school values
A couple of weeks ago, in our R.E lesson, we were thinking about stories that have a moral (a story that teaches you something). I asked the children to make up their own story with a moral based on one of our school values.
Bradley wrote the most fantastic story, that I just had to share it with you! Bradley chose the value of Generosity from our school values wheel. He then made up a story that encourages us to be generous at all times. I thought that you would like to read it.
I wonder if you would like to have a go at writing a story with a moral to it which is linked to one of our school values?
If you would like to have a go then look at our values wheel. Choose one of the values, such as compassion, patience, courage or hope. Then think of a simple story that reminds the reader of the importance of living out your chosen value. Once you've written your story, send it in to the office, so that we can share it here on the blog.
Mrs Carter
11/05/20 - Little poem for Year 6s today in what should have been SATs week. (borrowed from Facebook)
And so it is here,
The 11th of May,
But SATs have been cancelled,
At home we must stay.
The classroom is empty,
Its walls are not bare,
The tests won't be given,
As we won't be there.
No early SATs breakfasts,
No fears to quell,
We're staying apart,
To keep all of us well.
It still feels unreal,
What a very strange term,
But SATs aren't a measure,
Of all that you've learned.
Your jokes aren't examined,
For love, there's no test,
There's no measure for friendship,
At these, you're the best.
Year 6, we're so proud,
Of all you've achieved,
To us, you're amazing,
And in you, we believe.
This Week's Awards Look out for your well-done email! Apple Tree Resourceful Award: Rose A For using your resources around you at home to complete your maths activities such as using your shells to count and share between your toys |
Star Award: Tommy F For putting so much effort into learning his numbers and using them to count at every opportunity e.g when planting your seeds and counting them first |
Star Award: Poppy S For your dedication and hard work with learning your colours and numbers! |
Oak Resourceful Award: Emily D Emily was very imaginative in the way that she produced her science work last week. Emily created an E-book about the things that she found in her garden complete with pictures and audio clips. Well done Emily for producing your work in such an imaginative, resourceful way. It was superb! |
Star Award: Bradley Handing in work of such a high standard. He is clearly putting a huge amount of effort into his learning at home. Well done Bradley, you are an absolute super star and your work is a real delight to read! |
Star Award: Layla Layla has been doing the most fantastic work, putting in a huge amount of effort into all that she does showing that she is growing so much in confidence. She wrote some fabulous sentences today describing the dragon from the book we are reading. |
Maple Resourceful Award: Beau Fabulous application of criteria for writing an historical explanation |
Star Award: Megan Independent working and taking on board comments about her work and then resubmitting her improvements |
Star Award: Thomas Finding really interesting ways to show his learning in a science animation |
Willow Resourceful Award: Poppy Very resourceful to carry out additional research needed to complete her work to the highest possible standard |
Star Award: Archie For producing an explanation piece that is simply off the scale! Well done! |
Star Award: Charlie A consistently outstanding attitude and producing great work all week and especially in writing |
Headteacher Ivy For an incredible story video – such creativity and imagination! Well done – you made everyone smile which is a sign of a great story! The video is on the Apple Tree class page so be sure to have a look! |
This Week's Awards Look out for your well-done email! Apple Tree Resourceful Award: Ivy You are able to use everything around you to produce fantastic work from your home. I loved the idea of using shaving foam as the magic porridge to recreate the story. Well done Ivy keep up the good work. |
Star Award: Alex For continuing to practise your mark making using chalk outside. Well done Alex this is lovely to see, especially your arrows you drew to show everyone the way to go. |
Star Award: Poppy T For a positive change your home Learning, so that it’s a I can do it attitude. You are producing some fantastic independent work. Well done Poppy |
Oak Resourceful Award: Tom M Tom consistently does over and above what is expected. Well done Tom for thinking of ways to solve problems. You were able to show on the Google Docs all the different possibilities for a pattern, creating the shapes yourself and repeating them. We are very impressed with your computer skills and problem solving skills! Well done Tom! |
Star Award: Euan For putting a massive effort into his Maths work, completing all of the tasks that he needed to, even if it was a bit tricky at times. Well done Euan for showing great determination in this. We are all really proud of the work that you are doing |
Star Award: Acton For a superb effort at all times, producing some brilliant pieces of work. The RE work that Acton did, making his own comic strip of a story with a moral was just fantastic. He also produced an amazing shield this week. We are all so proud of the effort that you are putting into your work Acton! |
Maple Resourceful Award: Amelie Has taken time to research and add interesting information to her work and is clearly enjoying some of the reading assignments. |
Star Award: Ameer Has shown real willingness to take on challenges and is using the information he has available really well. |
Star Award: Bella Has clearly used the list of assignments to organise her time and is using this to get thoughtful work turned in |
Willow Resourceful Award: Abbie M Submitting her work in an inventive way (videos of her language sessions) |
Star Award: Tara An absolutely SUPERB art project. Have a look at the blog for an example of her care and attention. |
Star Award: Carla An OUTSTANDING week of home learning in almost every subject area- a huge amount of effort! |
Headteacher Award Oliver P A fantastic effort in all of your work. You are going over and above in what you are producing. It’s amazing to see the 4Rs in action. Keep it up!
I saw this song and I thought of you all...
Happy Friday everyone!
Mrs Houghton
24/4/202 A song for today from Out of the Ark - Just Sing
Here is the link to another song that you could join in with singing if you would like to. It's a fun song today all about just singing no matter how you feeling, where you are or whether anyone can hear you. Just sing! Why don't you have go too?
Mrs Carter
21/4/20 - An Out of the Ark song for today - As One
Here is the link to a song that you can join in with singing today. It's called 'As One' and reminds us how important it is to get along with each other, listening to others, trusting, loving others and saying sorry if we need to. I hope you enjoy having a sing along!
Mrs Carter
16/4/20 - A Creative Prayer from the Nimbus Collective
You might like to use this creative prayer below to take a few moments to think about how you are feeling today and if you would like to, to give your thoughts to God.
You will need to print off the pdf (which is in a separate post below) so that in each of the spaces you can either draw or write your response. You can get your felt tip pens, crayons or coloured pencils out and be creative with this!
How I feel - What words or pictures could describe that? Maybe you could use weather symbols to describe your emotions for today?
Something to hold true - What good thing do you want to remind yourself of today?
This made me smile - It can be anything at all!
Something to bring to God - Maybe a worry or someone in particular you would like God to look after.
You could complete one of these yourselves or as a family. Feel free to use it as you wish, if you think you will find it helpful.
Mrs Carter
(With thanks to the Nimbus Collective, for allowing this to be shared.)
Easter Bonnet Winners!
Thank you all so much for your brilliant entries and the time that you have spent making these fabulous creations. They really made us smile and it was incredibly difficult to choose between them...
Apple Tree
Winner: Poppy - we loved the thoughtful prayers for everybody in the hat
Runner up: Tyler - bright, colourful and cheery - really made us smile!
Winner: Isla C - creative use of different materials!
Runner up: Layla - awesome colour coordination!
Winner: Jess - amazing creativity...just wow!
Runner up: Isla E - impressive engineering to keep the hat up!
Winner: Ellie - your edible Easter bonnet made us hungry!
Runner up: Abi - mind boggling creativity!
Winner prize is a book token (thank you SPSA!) and an Easter egg
Runner up prize is an Easter egg
Pick up your prizes, if possible, tomorrow (Friday) from 9am - 3pm during your daily exercise
2/4/2020 .... Easter Pause Day
Today, at school, we were going to be having a whole school Easter Pause Day, where we would take some time out to think about Easter and what it means to each of us, finishing with our Easter service at church.
So, let's be a little creative and see if we can still share our Easter Pause day here on our blog.
Maybe you could take a photo of an Easter craft activity that you have done and email it to the office.
I know that Oak and Maple have both been assigned special Easter crafts to do today. Maybe you could share those with us.
You could write an Easter prayer to share with us all.
Maybe you could record yourselves singing an Easter song, or re-telling part of the Easter story.
Let's be creative and imaginative! We look forward to seeing all of your contributions.
Mrs Carter
Don’t try and enter the competition though - it’s a bit out of date 😂
Check out these 20 minute ‘lessons’ from wildlife experts. Some are amazing!! You can watch them live each day or anytime on YouTube.
Signs of Spring...Signs of Hope...
In the post below there is a reflection on the theme of Hope, provided by the Oxford Diocese which you and your families might find helpful to use, in a quiet moment.
Even though we have to stay at home at the moment, we can still see signs of spring all around us. The birds are singing in the trees (with quieter roads the birdsong is much clearer!) As I have been walking around my little garden, I have noticed lots of spring flowers poking their shoots through the soil, even though I had quite forgotten they were there! To me, these are a sign of hope.
We have to be a little more creative in these times. However, there are many ways in which we can show signs of hope to those around us. Maybe you could make a card for somebody to tell them how much you love them and are thankful for them. Maybe you could write a letter to a member of your family who you won't be able to see for a little while. Maybe you could think of somebody who may be feeling lonely at this time. You could think of a way to show them that you care.
Lets find ways to show signs of hope to others. Send us a picture of something that gives you hope, or something that you have done for others. Or tell us about it in a few words so that we can add it to this blog. Wouldn't it be great to be able to encourage each other with signs of spring and signs of hope at this time.
Mrs Carter
Today I have been looking at the work you have all been doing on Google Classroom and on Tapestry for reception children. I am incredibly impressed with everything that you have been doing. Some wonderful art work, fantastic writing and brilliant maths amongst a whole variety of other work. I am so proud of you all!
You are really showing the 5Bs, the 4Rs and our values - keep it up. I will upload the Resilience posters for this term as a reminder.
Mr Jeffries