St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington
Musical innovation
Can you work out which everyday classroom items were used to make these sounds?
We had great fun trying them out. Some of the sounds were quite surprising!
Autumn Term 1 2020
We have settled into our new routines with a timetable that includes regular events.
Monday - Mrs. Glass will put the spelling lists onto Google classroom for each group.
Tuesday - P.E.
Friday - Mrs. Howe will test the spellings and times table knowledge.
- P.E.
We expect the children to read every day at home and practice their spelling words and recall of times table facts. Writing them down as well as saying them out loud is important.
Time Travel stories
These are the stories that Maple have developed over the last week of term. It has included story line creation, stage production, scenery construction, sound effect manipulation, family coercion and performance.
Term 5
Science KCV
Online safety
This is a link that you might find helpful, now that your children are online so much more frequently.
What we created from Where The Wild Things Are.
Maple class linked their work in science and English to create short shadow puppet plays.
Here are a few photos of the performing puppets. Please be aware that the wonderful sunny day made this hard to record clearly.
Spellings w/b 06/01/20
Children have individual spelling lists this week from the Year 3 /4 statutory spelling list. As a challenge this week they can either write the words in sentences or create a crossword for the spellings.
PE Information for Spring Term
Maple Class will be doing yoga every Tuesday afternoon in Term 3. Please can all children make sure they have their shorts and T-shirts in school on Tuesdays.
Preparation for the Times Table Test in the Summer term.
In order to prepare your children for tests in the summer please encourage them to practice their times table facts at home.
There are a variety of resources we recommend to help with this.
Hit the Button:
PIXL Times table app:
All the children have their own log in details.
Welcome to Maple Class!
Years 3 and 4
Welcome to Maple class, we hope you all had a lovely summer and are ready for a busy term.
Useful information
On the web class page are documents related to homework and what the children will be learning this term.
If you have any ideas for our class page, please let us know!
A Wonder walk around Oxford