St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington
HISTORY OF St Peter's CE Primary School
The original school in Cassington was founded by the Vicar in 1853. It was a stone building next to the Village Green and is still standing today as a private house. In July 1971 the Department of Education gave permission for the building of a new school on a larger site in Cassington, adjacent to the Green. Work was started in July 1972 and the school was officially opened on 1 July 1973 although staff and pupils did not move in and start working until September of that year.
The school bell from the original building was moved to the new one and is still rung to mark the end of playtimes.
Parents of the children in the school raised money to provide a heated swimming pool for the new school and this opened in 1974. Changing rooms were built in 1978.
There have been several additions to the new school building since 1974. In 1991 an extension was built on the front of the school to provide office space, a staff room, medical room and improvements to the entrance hall and resource space. In 1997 an extension was built onto Class 1 to provide additional facilities for Early Years teaching. In 2000 a newly equipped ICT bay was opened. The building of an additional classroom was completed in 2002. In 2014 a new Nursery Unit was opened which amalgamated the onsite Cassington Preschool and School Foundation Stage.
From June 1st 2014 the school became an Academy as part of the Eynsham Partnership Academy (EPA). The EPA is made up of seven very different schools:
Bartholomew Secondary School
Eynsham Community School
Hanborough Manor Church of England Controlled School
Stanton Harcourt Church of England Controlled School
Standlake Church of England Controlled School
Freeland Church of England Controlled School
And ourselves – the only Church of England Aided School.
It is stated in the Trust Deeds that St Peter’s School was founded to provide a Christian education for the children of Cassington. The Governors continue to fulfil that aim by supporting and encouraging the links between the school and the Parish Church and its clergy as well as the wider community. Becoming an academy has not diminished that aim.
As a school we much appreciate the co-operation and help of our parents and we have a thriving School Association. Throughout the year they raise funds to support the school and are have brought such items as a pirate ship, stage, adventure playground and mobile laptops. They also subsidise the swimming pool organising lifeguards and after school swimming sessions.