St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington
A very warm welcome to
Apple Tree Class 2024 - 2025
Our topic for term 1 is
This term we will be exploring colours, beginning with red, blue and yellow as the primary colours. From there we will see how we can use these to mix new colours and looking at the colours in the rainbow. Whilst looking at rainbows, we will learn about Norman Adams, an artist who used watercolours to paint nature and landscapes, with some brilliant rainbow art! We look forward to inviting you in to share our rainbow craft afternoon and displaying the children's rainbow art. We will end the term learning about Autumn and exploring all the changes that we can see around us. Whilst exploring Autumn we will also have a look at some autumn poetry.
Our topic for term 2 is
Marvellous me & Winter
During this topic we will be learning about at ourselves and what makes us unique! We will identify and celebrate any skills and qualities we hold and explore our family around us. We will think about what makes a family and who is in our family. We will be exploring how we change and grow over time, and how everyone was a baby once. We will then move onto looking at maps and where we live. We will place ourselves on that map and think about where we are in the world and where we are in our town or house. This is a great opportunity to look at different places and be able to compare England with another country or to look at a village and a city.
We will then move into Winter and begin to recognise the seasonal changes. We will think about animals and ourselves in Winter, and we take care of ourselves. What winter looks like and what might happen during winter. We will finish this term exploring the Christmas Story and why Christians believe it is special. We will learn about this through visiting church and putting on our own performance to our family and friends. We are also excited to go on the coach to the watch a performance, called a pantomime!