St Peter's CE Primary School Cassington
Please find below the PowerPoint slides used for Maple's curriculum meeting. These slides should fill you in on all the information you need to know for Maple Class this year.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Miss Williams-Sharkey and Mrs Glass
Topic KCV Spring
Science KCV Spring 1
PSHRE Spring terms 3/4 topics
Chedworth Roman Villa
As our Roman topic was coming to an end, we visited Chedworth Roman Villa near Cirencester. During our guided tour, the children listened carefully and were able to answer and ask insightful questions to further their learning. They particularly enjoyed trying out the Roman style toilets and holding the sponge on a stick! We also made special mosaics using very small tesserae. Once again, the children impressed all staff by taking such time and care with their unique designs. An added bonus to the day was the beautiful weather which allowed us to sit outside on the picnic benches for our lunch!
Science - Digestion!
The children have really thrown themselves into their science topic this term - even when taking part in a 'yucky' experiment (their words!). We explored how our food travels through our digestive system using a zip-lock sandwich bag, apple juice and tights to represent different organs.
We also created life size diagrams to locate these organs in our bodies.
Bring your pet to school day!
Maple had such a magical day learning all about the different animals people can have as pets. This day linked to our science work of exploring the differences between animal groups including their nutritional needs and their adaptations to survive in their habitats. We met a range of animals from cute and fluffy mammals (a rabbit and dog!) to some more exotic reptiles (snakes!). Take a look below!